Why the First 15-Mintues of the Day are the Most Important

The First 15-Minutes 

First 15-Mintues
When you wake up, within the first 5-15 minutes, your brain is in the theta state.

When your brain is in the theta state, it is almost like you are on autopilot and feel scattered. It is also when our brains are the most creative. Making the first 15 minutes important.

It would be a shame to continue to waste the first 15-minutes, our Most creative time, on our phones!

If you go on your phone right when you wake up, you are teaching your brain to be distracted and it will continue to be distracted throughout the day.
phone right away

By going on your phone right away and giving your brain an information overload of notifications from many different apps, and you are teaching your brain to be more scattered and move from thing to thing at all times. This can lead to trouble focusing, feeling more anxious, and feeling UNmotivated. 

Using the first 15 minutes to read, write, or visualize your life all let us use the creativity that the theta state offers us. By doing something that enhances our creativity, rather than distracting ourselves, this allows us to set a better tone for the day.
visualize your life
Here is what my first 15 minutes look like:

1. Alarm goes off & I don’t hit snooze I get up right away.

2. Head to the kitchen & make a cup of coffee.

3. While it is brewing, feed my dog & stretch.

4. Start drinking coffee & reflect on what I am going to do that day based off my to-do list & what I accomplished yesterday.

If you need help making a morning routine for yourself, I am here to help!


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