Sea Moss: What is it & What it Can do for You

What is Sea Moss? 

Sea Moss Gel
Sea moss the "miracle of the sea"

Sea moss, also known as Irish moss or red seaweed, is a type of eatable seaweed or algae. It is grown year-round in inlets and tidepools and grows in many colors such as yellow, shades of green, purple, red, brown, and black the most common being red. 

Sea moss can be eaten raw, or used to make an ingestible gel, tea, juice, or soup. 

What Can it do for Me? 

Sea moss nutrient make up is one of the most impressive aspects of this seaweed, it contains 92/102 essential minerals that our bodies need to thrive and with this tremendous amount of minerals comes a boat load of health benefits! 

What are the Health Benefits? 

All of the health benefits of sea moss include a better immune system, skin health, nutrient compound, helps build strong & lean muscles, increase the production of testosterone, potential treatment for Osteoporosis, anti-cancer properties to aid cancer treatment, reduce stress anger and improve mood, reduction in blood pressure, and anti-ulcer properties. 

Immune System Support 

Sea moss is rich in vitamins and antioxidants to help the body fight off inflammation and daily wear of our bodies, it can also help to fight off the common cold by reducing excess mucus. It is said to provide anti-aging, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral benefits. 

Skin Health 

Sea moss contains Sulphur which is a exfoliating agent and it assists the body in producing collagen. Sea moss gel can also be used as a overnight face mask. 

Helps Build Strong & Lean Muscles 

Every 100 gms of sea moss contains 6 mg of protein. Sea moss also contains an amino acid called taurine which can aid in burning body fat and building muscles. 

Nutrients in Sea Moss

The nutrients in sea moss are, but not limited to, calcium, folate, iron, zinc, copper, sodium, iodine, boron, soluble potash, magnesium, manganese, phosphoric acid, potassium, selenium, sulphur, carbohydrates; alginic acid, mannitol, nitrogen, and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, & K. 

Sea Moss
How Much Should I Take? 

If you are going the route of taking sea moss gel, which is what I do, then you should take 1-2 tablespoons of it daily. Take a smaller amount on your first dose to see how your body responds to it. 

To see and feel the benefits of sea moss you need to take it regularly and consistently, it is not a one and done or a once in awhile type of thing. 


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