What are the 7 Dimensions of Wellness?

 The 7 Dimensions of Wellness

1. Mental Wellness 

Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness is mental health, emotional state, wellbeing, and how they all work together. 

The World Health Organization defines mental wellness as "A state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stressors of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community" (link). 

2. Physical Wellness 

Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness consists of exercising, getting the right amount of sleep, substance usage, nutrition, and sexual health. 

Physical wellness can also impact the longevity of our lives, because it includes learning about developing & maintaining healthy habits and about diseases and prevention. 

3. Social Wellness 

Social Wellness

Social Wellness encompasses healthy relationships, support systems, communication skills, balancing social & personal time, and those that we interact with in our communities and work. 

4. Financial Wellness 

Financial Wellness

Financial wellness is composed of having & sticking to a budget that allows you to have a healthy relationship between your financial commitments, goals, and spending on experiences or things. 

5. Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is how we guide ourselves through our set of values, beliefs, and principals. This dimension is one way that we can find our purpose in our lives. It can also include looking to a higher power, like religion, for a purpose or meaning to life. 

6. Vocational Wellness 

Vocational Wellness

Vocational wellness is how we us our talents, skills, and/or abilities to gain purpose in our work life. Doing something that you love and truly see purpose in can give your life more meaning and overall wellbeing. 

7. Environmental Wellness 

Environmental Wellness

Environmental wellness involves being in an environment that positively supports and effects your everyday life. For example, this could be directly related to the environment with an emphasis on sustainable wellness or it could be spending time in nature to improve your wellness. 


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