Longevity Secret #1: The Power Nine

The Power Nine

The Power 9 Are a Fascinating Discovery! 

There are nine things that the longest living people do that have helped them live longer, healthier, fuller lives. It's Never too early or too late to make a lifestyle change that can impact your longevity. 

Where Were the Power Nine Studied? 

Blue Zones and National Geographic came together to study places where the longest-lived people are located. They found 5 locations that met their requirements which are: 

  • the Power Nine
    Barbagia region of Sardinia 
  • Ikaria, Greece 
  • Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica 
  • Seventh Day Adventists 
  • Okinawa, Japan 

What are the Power Nine & What do They Mean? 

1. Move Naturally: 

"Moving without thinking about it", not joining a gym, although this is still a good thing to do, the people in the blue zones are outside a lot, in nature, doing things like gardening, exploring, yard work, and dancing. 

Other examples include cleaning, doing laundry, playing with your pets & children, and cooking. 

2. Purpose: 

Know your why!!

Why do you wake up in the morning? 

What keeps you moving?

What is your why? 

3. Down Shift: 

Take a moment every day to destress, stress can cause chronic inflammation which is connected to every age-related disease. 

Take a nap, pray, reflect, read, meditate, or anything that helps you destress & relax!

4. 80% Rule:  

Only eat until you are 80% full. The people in the blue zones don't snack they eat meals and only until their 80% full. Their smallest meal is dinner, and they don't eat anymore after that. 

5. Plant Slant: 

People in the blue zones eat meat on average 5 times per month. They also have a large emphasis on beans; fava, black, soy, and lentils. 

6. Wine at 5: 

Having 1-2 glasses of wine per day, and no you can't save up and have more on another day, with a meal and/or friends/family. 

Preferably Sardinian Cannonau. 

7. Belong: 

Being a part of a faith-based community. denomination doesn't matter. 

"Research shows that attending faith-based services 4 times per month will add 4-14 years of life expectancy" 

8. Loved Ones First: 

People in the blue zones put their families first. This included keeping loved ones near, or in, their homes and helping care for them. 

9. Right Tribe: 

Creating and maintaining relationships with people that help support healthy behaviors
"Studies show that smoking, obesity, happiness, and even loneliness are contagious" 


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