Taking Your Dog on a Hike

Bring your dog!

I was at Matthiessen State Park this past weekend and while hiking, with my dog, I overheard a lady say “I hate to bring my dog when I go hiking, she always just embarrasses me”, and I thought hmmm I can kind of relate because my dog isn’t the best trained dog but that has never stopped me from bringing her with me everywhere I go, dogs need to experience life too! So, always bring your furry friends with you on a hike they absolutely love it!  

Dog Hike

How to have a successful hiking trip with your dog

Make them walk. A lot. Then they will be tired and better behaved, I have learned with my dog. 

Some other helpful hints to keep your pup happy while hiking is to bring with water. But your probably thinking ‘Ugh, no I don’t want to bring with there stupid dog bowl and have it get everything else in my bag wet’ well, head on to amazon and get yourself a nice collapsible bowl with a clip that clips on the outside of your bag! I ordered collapsible bowls off amazon and it was only $6 and it was a two pack! So, it is a great deal and I highly recommend this product. 

Another helpful hint is to always make sure you pick up after your dog. This is the most annoying thing to see at a park or anywhere is when people don't clean up after themselves. Don't be that person! Always make sure you have some doggy bags to clean up after your pet does their business. 

Some People Don't Like Dogs 

You have to remember although you love your pup some people don't like dogs or are afraid of them. So, you just have to pay attention to the people around you and how your dog in handling that and reacting to people. If someone wants to pet your dog they'll ask and if you say yes just pull off to the side of the trail for the meeting. Otherwise I just keep my dog on a kind of tight leash around other people so that no problems arise.


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